Charlestown Playhouse Harvest Market

Crafts, clothing, arts, jewelry, food and coffee and more
Arden Fair

Your favorite local artists are excited to be back in Arden, DE this year! Join us for a day filled with shopping, food, music, beer garden, antique sale, plant sale, book sale and kids activities.
DLL Financial Solutions Holiday Jewelry Sale
Employees of DLL Finanical Solutions can shop for holiday accessories and gifts during this event.
Arden Fair – Cancelled
If you’ve never been to Arden Fair it’s an event you should be checking out in the unique town of Arden, DE. Always held on the Saturday before labor day with a rain date of Sunday. Tons of local artists are ready to show you their amazing creations. Enjoy live music in the beer garden, the plant and book sales, an antique alley, children’s activities and some great people watching!
SAP America Valentine’s Day Jewelry Sale
For SAP America employees
Lankenau Medical Center Valentine’s Day Jewelry Sale
Open to the public. In the lobby near entrance B.
Lankenau Medical Center Valentine’s Day Jewelry Sale
Open to the public. Down in the lobby near entrance B.
Vanguard – Morehall – Holiday Jewelry Sale
A holiday jewelry sale for Vanguard employees
Chester County Library’s Annual Holiday Craft Show
Come support local artists while you find unique gifts for the holidays during this cozy holiday craft show.
Vanguard Orion Holiday Jewelry Sale
A holiday jewelry sale for Vanguard employees