Haverford Township Day
Merck – West Point (Bldg. 53) Jewelry Pop Up Shop
A jewelry sale for the employees of Merck
Taylor Hospital Jewelry Sale
McNeil Consumer Fall Pop Up Shop
Fall jewelry sale for McNeil Consumer employees.
Crozer-Chester Medical Center Jewelry Sale
Taste of Berwyn
The Taste of Berwyn is an event for the whole family supporting the Daemion Counseling Center. Come listen to live music on two stages throughout the day and check out the food and craft vendors while you support this great cause.
Pop-up shop for employees
Join us for a fun day for the whole family! In addition to a wonderful select group of local artists displaying their creativity, the stage will be filled with singer song writers. Eagleview’s restaurant row will have plenty of food, craft beer & wine. Plus there will be a kids crafting studio and demonstrations by select artists.
Broomall-Crozer Keystone Cancer Center Spring Jewelry Sale
Stop in to freshen up your Spring jewelry. Part of the proceeds directly benefit the hospital.